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NEW Season 2019-2020

Hi everyone. The 2019-2020 Badminton season is nearly upon us with the fixtures meeting due to take place on 24th September at Hurstpierpoint Village Hall.

In advance of this, clubs are asked to confirm which teams they wish to enter by emailing me as soon as practicable.

Additionally, the MSDBA would gladly welcome new clubs / teams for the 2019/20 season. If you are interested in joining our friendly but competitive league, please feel free to drop me, or any of the committee members, an email. Out contact details can be found on these web pages under the ‘Contacts’ tab.

Kind regards

Brian Hobbs

MSDBA League Secretary

2019 AGM & Fixtures Meetings

A reminder that this years AGM will be taking place on Tuesday 4th June at 8pm. The venue is once again Hurstpierpoint Village Hall, and we look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

This years Fixtures meeting has had to be moved at the request of the Hall owners. Instead of taking place on Tuesday 17th September it will now take place on Tuesday 24th September 2019.

Kind regards

Brian Hobbs

MSDBA League Secretary

Get Involved

Please see message below from Julia Alkema which details how you can get involved in helping to promote Badminton across the County.

Dear Badminton Club

In my role as Sussex County Badminton Development Officer, myself, Mark Russ (SCBA chair) and Tanya Woodward (Badminton England relationship Manager) are looking to invite some of our badminton players to sign up to become part of a volunteer workforce right across Sussex. Don’t worry…we won’t be asking you to do too much, but as part of the workforce you will help promote badminton events and promotions and maybe some of you will become scorers or even umpires and can help at big events.

There will be some perks In return for becoming a volunteer but we can discuss those when we have got our workforce in place. 

One of the things that we are going to try and address is the lack of women in the leagues, the SCBA questionnaire that was completed by all the clubs in Sussex a year or so ago, highlighted that almost every single club across the county in all the different leagues had the same issue with not having enough female players. We need to try and tackle this before we loose our ladies leagues altogether.

We’ve got a few ideas but we will need help from you to promote them and to support them, thats all we’re asking.

There will be more information coming in due course but if anyone reads this and thinks I know the perfect person for this in my club please send it on to them or discuss it will them and ask them to drop me an email. As I said, it won’t involve huge time commitment so don’t worry.

Kind regards

Julia Alkema 

Chair of Brighton & Worthing Badminton Leagues & Sussex County Badminton Development Officer.

Seasons Greetings

Dear All,

On behalf of the committe, I would like to take this opportinity to thank you for your continued support for the Mid Sussex & District Badminton Association. We hope you have a fabulous Christmas Break and wish you every success for 2019.

Kind regards

Brian Hobbs

MSDBA League Secretary

2018 / 2019 Season

Hi everyone,

We hope that you have all had a good Summer and are looking forward to the new badminton season with the MSDBA. As a reminder, this years fixtures meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th Sept. from 7.45pm at Hurstpierpoint Village Hall. Those clubs wishing to enter teams must send a list of the number of teams, Mens, Ladies, Mixed & the new ‘Fusion’ (any combination of Men or Ladies) to the League Secretary, Brian Hobbs, by no later than Friday 14th September.

Kind regards

MSDBA Committee